Esol Advanced

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Advanced ESOL


Today's topic is the Amish.

Find the answers to the following questions and type the answers in MS Word. When you have finished, place your typed answers in your folder.

  1. In how many ways are their lives different to other citizens of the U.S.A? Make a list.
  2. Are they entirely unaffected by modern life?
  3. Did you know about the Amish people before? If so, did you discover anything new?
  4. Do you know of any other small religious sects?

You might find the answers on the following web pages:

Just for fun and laughs, go to

Then choose Video in the first search box and type : Weir Al Yankovic in the second search box.

Watch the music video called Amish Paradise.

Until next time, have fun learning English!