What on Earth?
Hello and welcome back to online English classes!
Today we are going to look at vocabulary, a bit of grammar and intonation or placing stress on the correct syllable of a word. We have done some research on British depencies, some of them places we haven't heard of before. Tonight we will have a look at a place that's a little closer but well known to most tourists or people from abroad.
To revise last week's lesson on adjective order, click on
To practise vocabulary in use, click on
and complete the task.
Here are some interesting facts:
Then click on this link: http://www.oup.com/elt/global/products/headway/advanced/a_grammar/unit11/hwy_adv_unit11_2/
and complete the task on relative clauses.
On the following link you will find definitions and examples of relative clauses:
And find out even more about clauses on:
Phew! After all that grammar, let's have a bit of fun: click on
and watch the video clips about Shrewsbury and answer the questions.
Also read the text on Shrewsbury and answer the questions:
Finally, do your own research and write a short description of Shrewsbury for a tourist brochure. You could add photos/pictures/maps if you wish. Remember: do not copy and paste text; use your own words! Your description is due on Wednesday, 24th January 2007.
Until next time, have fun expanding your knowledge of English!
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